Do you want to get the most out of your therapy and achieve breakthrough?

With this course, you'll learn:

  • The basics of therapy (finances & insurance, scheduling, goal-setting, etc.)

  • How to engage well in therapy to effectively address your issues

  • How to come to each therapy session prepared for success

  • What is required of you (and your therapist) to achieve your goals

  • How to address the obstacles preventing your growth and progress

Are you wondering what to expect?

Watch this video to get a glimpse into how this course will benefit your therapy process and help you prepare for success.

Course Outline

Here's what we cover:

    1. Intro to Module 1: Orienting to therapy

    2. What is therapy (vs. coaching vs. psychiatry)?

    3. Theoretical approach

    4. Personality / fit

    5. Issues you want to address (therapist specialties)

    6. Gender (of the therapist)

    7. Scheduling & finances

    1. Intro to Module 2: Getting started in therapy

    2. Confidentiality

    3. What to share (and not to share) in therapy

    4. How often should you meet with your therapist (and how to decide)

    5. Treatment plan

    6. Evaluating your experience (after the first session)

    7. Identifying red flags

    1. Intro to Module 3: Working well with your therapist

    2. Honesty & vulnerability

    3. Your therapist is not your friend

    4. What to talk about each week

    5. Staying focused on your goals / treatment plan

    1. Intro to Module 4: When you get stuck (and other difficult issues)

    2. Confronting an issue with your therapist

    3. Facing your own resistance & fear

    4. Dependence on your therapist (you need to do it on your own)

    5. It’s not a good fit or you need someone new to take you farther

    1. Intro to Module 5: How to recognize progress & know when you're done

    2. How To Recognize Progress

    3. How much change is needed to end therapy

    4. How to talk about ending therapy

    5. What happens if you need to come back

    1. Intro to Module 6: Private pay, insurance, & finances

    2. Private pay

    3. Insurance

    4. Cancellation fees

    5. Intro to Module 6: Private Pay, Insurance, & Finances

About this course

  • 34 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Let's get you prepared for mental health success.